World coffee exports rose to 9.88 million bags in November, reports the ICO

World coffee exports amounted to 9.88 million bags in November 2018, compared with 9.35 million in November 2017 up 5.7% on year, according to ICO’s monthly figures . Shipments of Arabica rose 6.3%, whilst Robusta exports recorded a 4.5% increase.
As for the Arabica groups, exports of Brazilian Naturals and Colombian Milds rose 15.3% and 8% respectively. On the other hand, Other Milds saw a 11.9% decrease.
More than 70% of world exports came from Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia.
Exports in the first 2 months of coffee year 2018/19 (Oct/18 to Nov/18) increased by 12.6% to 20.55 million bags compared to 18.24 million bags in the same period in 2017/18.

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